Napster on "The Connection"

Massimo G Morin mmorin at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 5 10:42:41 EST 2001

sorry, I forgot to send this before... but you can always listen to it
with realplay


BTW Anybody interested playing Scopone Scientifico, Italian Card Game?

Please mail me if so...
> Dear MITaly members and friends
>      Thursday 8 Mach at 8pm room 4-231 meeting of
> The Scopone Scientifico MIT Team,
> and screening of the Italian movie "Lo Scopone Scietifico" (no
> sorry).
> Come and enjoy
> Max

   /    _.\              Massimo Morin
  |    /        _,!      Software Engineer
   \   \      .""`\      Master in Science of Transportation Candidate
    '.  '.   /  /.(
   .-""-._`;-\__)_/      Aeronautics & Astronautics Department
  /             (        Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 |     / _   ,  \\_ _    Room 35-220 Flowers Corner
  \ '..___\'--\_____\\   Off: (617) 253 0993   Home: (617) 484 2999  Cell: (617) 512 0203
   `"""""``        ```

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