Solaris version number stew

Brian J. Conway dogbert at
Thu Jan 25 01:20:56 EST 2001

> What's the general take on gcc for Solaris?  I know the C compiler that
> ships isn't great, and you can buy a better one from Sun, but I've used
> gcc to build stuff and it seems ok.  I'm no programmer, though.

I've used gcc for Solaris SPARC on multiple projects across platforms,
and if that's a consideration, it does a great job.  I've never had many
problems with the shipped C compiler on Solaris SPARC (I would assume it
would be a bit more optimized for the hardware than gcc, but maybe not),
but if the x86 compiler version is anything like the rest of Solaris
x86, I'm sure you're better off with gcc on that end of the spectrum.  I
have nothing against Solaris x86, but it runs like a dog and I can think
of a few better alternatives for the i386 platform.

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