
Brian J. Conway dogbert at clue4all.net
Fri Jan 5 21:54:32 EST 2001

> Why does everything need to be so hard?

Such is life.

> I just picked up a new 10/100 NIC that uses the tulip driver, but when I
> try and compile it, it complains about not finding the 8390.h  I have
> the 2.2.14-5 headers installed but they don't seem to have this file.
> any ideas?

It's in linux/drivers/net.  If you don't want to recompile the entire
kernel, I'd suggest just downloading the full source for 2.2.14 and
putting it in the place of /usr/src/linux.

Brian J. Conway
dogbert at clue4all.net
Geek for hire: http://clue4all.net/resume

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