Microsoft hits new ethical low point?

Derek Martin ddm at
Mon Feb 19 15:53:47 EST 2001

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:

> One thing I find interesting is that though the Consitution guarantees the 
> right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, these companies seem to 

As pedants like myself will happily point out, it does no such thing,
though people often think it does.  Those words were quoted from the
Declaration of Independence, which is not a legal document which carries
any wieght whatsoever in our current legal system.

> think that somewhere in there is also the guarantee to make money.
> However, it doesn't stop there either.  Not only do they believe that
> they are owed the *right* to make money, but that they are guaranteed
> this right for all of eternity.
> No one ever promised anyone that they would be able to make money
> here, no did they guarantee that if you do, that it will last !  Tell
> that to MS, though!

Nevertheless, this is still an excellent point.  If Microsoft is worried
about their revenue stream, they'd better start displaying some of those
innovative qualities they keep babbling about, or they will become
obsolete just as they fear.  It still will take a long time though...

Derek Martin
Senior System Administrator
Mission Critical Linux
martin at 

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