Redhat 7.1beta

John Abreau jabr at
Fri Feb 2 20:29:29 EST 2001

I just finished installing Redhat 7.1beta on a test machine. I did a
custom install, and there were a number of improvements over the 7.0

Most notably, near the end it provides several simple firewall rulesets
for securing the workstation. I selected the "Custom" set, and within that
I allowed DHCP, http, and ssh traffic. All other access is denied in this

DNS isn't working, probably because I didn't think through the firewall
settings. Aside from that, it's looking pretty good (to the extent that
one can tell from a ten-minute perusal).

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj / Email jabr at

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