Perform other functions while untarring file using "system" command in a C program

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Thu Feb 1 20:27:11 EST 2001

Fork() is a Unix system call that spawns a child process which is 
essentialy a clone of the parent.
The exec() system call causes a program (or command) to be executed. The 
wait() system call causes the parent process to wait for the child. In 
contrast, the system() function calls fork() to execute a shell, which then 
executes the command. Check the man pages.
"zoqix" wrote:
> thanks guys. I used the background function and it works. As for the fork(),
> I'm not sure how do I use it and the exec() function.
> any advise?
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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