Could Not locate Bootsect.lnx
bpmedley at
bpmedley at
Wed Aug 22 22:45:41 EDT 2001
On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, NAI wrote:
> Need help - i try to find 'Bootsect.lnx' for dual boot.
> I could not find it.
> Please help where 'Bootsect.lnx' is sitting.
> I use RedHat 7.1
Did you get this error in Linux? If so, what were you trying to do? What
command were you running? If not, was it in Windows? Would you provide
more information on the environment you were using?
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Brian Medley @~./'O o`\.~@
"Knowledge is Power" brian.medley at /__( \___/ )__\ *PPPFFBT!*
-- Francis Bacon `\__`U_/'
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