File Encryption (and Palm Pilot)
Sheldon Dubrowin
dubrowin at
Tue Aug 7 12:44:27 EDT 2001
I use a program called strip (secure tool for recalling important passwords)
which uses either 128 bit Idea or 56 bit DES. It asks for a password when
entering the program and when you switch apps or turn off the device it locks
up again (requiring a password again). A friend brought this back from
black hat a couple years ago. It has a password generator feature, but
bugtraq claims this is very weak, so I wouldn't use that feature. However, I
have seen no complaints about the application. You can download it for free
On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 02:52:22PM -0400, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> I've got 2 questions in regards to encryption
> 1. I currently keep passwords in my Palm Pilot. At one time I had the
> entire unit password protected, but I removed that because it was a pain.
> I also use the information both on Windows at work as well as on my Lini\ux
> system at home. I'm more interested in securing the the data while it is on
> the Palm in the event it gets lost or stolen. So I'm looking for a way that
> I can either encrypt specific files on the Palm in such a way that I can
> not only decrypt them on the Palm, but also on both my Windows and Linux
> platforms. Alternatively, I could password protect my Palm either by using
> the built in password. For the most part, people steal Palms to seel them
> not for any data.
> 2. I was just curious what encryption software people were using in general
> to encrypt data on Linux. In the past, I have written DES encryption
> programs for clients (using the PD DES functions available).
> --
> Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
> Boston Linux and Unix user group
> -
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,-~~-.___. ._.
/ | ' \ | |"""""""""| Sheldon M. Dubrowin
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