Apache Question... mod_rewrite or redirect???

Phil Buckley phil at 1918.com
Tue Nov 14 10:07:01 EST 2000

I'm just starting my long journey today into having multiple domains all point and actually re-write themselves into a common url - for cookies that track a shopper through an ecommerce site...

Here's my question, the client has 8 or ten domains that all point to a single directory, I want to use apache 1.3.9 to rewrite:
abc.com, def.com, ghi.com jkl.com all to xyz.com

Here's what I think might work, but I wondering if someone else already has done some of this and can see a glaring mistake

 RewriteEngine        on
 RewriteLogLevel      9
 RewriteLog logs/www.salvytheflorist.com-rewrite_log
 RewriteRule ^/abc.com([^/]+)/?(.*)       /xyz.com/$1/$2


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