3 Questions
Stephanie Springer
steph at dreamhaven.net
Fri May 19 12:02:20 EDT 2000
On Fri, 19 May 2000, Alex Darke wrote:
> At 10:56 AM 5/19/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >I've done it by highlighting the URL whereever it is, then center
> >mouse clicking in the Netscape location bar (XDND?). Never had
> >problems with it.
> Doesn't work in KDE. I was kind of annoyed to discover that the one time I
> loaded up KDE. I got so used to my highlight and middle click cut and
> pastes, that to have them vanish in KDE was highly annoying.
Hmm... I use KDE, and this works for me. Highlight, put the cursor
wherever I want to paste, and middle click... no real "cutting" required.
I don't know the answer to the rest of your questions... although this
girl, being a Hitchcock fan, knows who Janet Leigh is. Can't speak for
the guys, though.
Stephanie Springer http://www.stephanie.springer.com/
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