.asp viewer
Gordon Keegan
lgk011 at dma.isg.mot.com
Mon May 15 09:32:32 EDT 2000
If ASP (Active Server Pages) works the same as other server scripting
(like PHP! :) then it's up to the server to run the .asp pages and
produce standard HTML for the client browser (or HTML/javascript, etc...)
IIS probably has to be told/configured/strongarmed into running .asp
pages through some ASP execution process before sending them out to
clients. Sounds like it's just sending the raw .asp pages without
> Hi guys,
> I'm not a Windows expert, but a friend of mine asked for some help:
> He is developing a small database accessible via internet that allows
> users to insert, modify and search data. Its main purpose is for
> internal surveys.
> They are using FrontaPage 2000 but it generates .asp files and they do
> not know how to visualize them.
> I thought netscape was able to use them but...
> Ah!.. I was going to suggest a full blown of Linux + Apache + Perl +
> MySQL but it looks like FrontPage 2000 is their only available tool.
> Any idea or any suggestion on how to help him??
> Thanks
> Max
> --
> Massimo Morin _...__..-'
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