LINUX/GNU Tutorials
James R. Van Zandt
jrv at
Fri Mar 24 20:26:46 EST 2000
Ron Peterson <rpeterson at> wrote:
>Jerry A Clabaugh wrote:
>> Just yesterday I was expressing my lack of enthusiasm for PDF to
>> a co-worker. He assured me that PDF's are much smaller than PS's,
>> and therefore better for downloading and e-mailing.
>PDF's are basically just compressed postscript. A little more to it
>than that but not much. Compress a postscript file and compare it's
>size to what you get if you distill it into a PDF. Pretty similar.
>The nice thing about PDF isn't the file format itself, but what Adobe
>has provided in their reader and particularly their Acrobat (or Exchange
>or whatever you like to call it) application. Pretty user friendly dah
>te dah.
The thing that I like about PDF files is that the reader can search
them - unlike PostScript. Unfortunately, some PDF files are not
searchable. I guess those are really image files, and so probably not
very compressed either. I think it depends on what utility was used
to create the PDF file.
- Jim Van Zandt
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