Check out today. Article about the BLU
Ron Peterson
rpeterson at
Fri Mar 17 14:49:49 EST 2000
John Chambers wrote:
> A front page areticle: "A spy in the house of Linux"
> One thing I note is that she compares the difficulty of installing
> linux with the ease of using Windows that is pre-installed. She says
> nothing at all about installing Windows, and it's unlikely that she
> has ever tried it. Maybe we should all send her email pointing this
> out. A comparison of the ease of installing both systems would be
> interesting and meaningful, as would a comparison of the ease of
> using various pre-installed versions of both. But comparing a
> pre-installed Windows with a do-it-yourself linux is a typical thing
> done by marketing people. It's really propaganda, not comparison.
I have to agree. Personally, though, the only time I like to do an
install for any OS is if I want to recycle a machine for a new purpose.
(Or resuscitate a dead/dying windoze machine:-) Otherwise, windoze or
linux, I'd rather get the OS pre installed. I'd just rather spend my
time on other things, I guess. Although it is frustrating when a vendor
doesn't partition things the way you'd like.
Anyway, I think the bigger issue than ease of installation is ease of
use after installation. And of course, will the machines run the
applications required by your particular business. Most of my staff
runs AutoCAD, for example. If there were an acceptable substitute, I'd
jump all over it. But not yet. (I think it's only only a matter of
time, though.)
Trouble is, computers don't make people smarter. Until we get some
impregnable (so users don't mess stuff up) simple interfaces and broad
enough application support, I'd still rather support people on windoze,
I hate to say. Otherwise I don't think switching platforms would
improve productivity or reduce support costs enough to justify the
This subject been discussed ad infinitum on all our favorite forums.
Just my two cents.
Ron Peterson
rpeterson at
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