Damned color xterms ...

Derek Martin derek at cerberus.ne.mediaone.net
Thu Jun 22 11:41:17 EDT 2000

Today, John Chambers gleaned this insight:

> 	 You need to change the values of the following X resources:
> I did manage to find these in the "man xterm" on one machine,  though
> I must say that their descriptions are pretty much gibberish, full of
> unexplained jargon, and it's not at all obvious what they do.

I didn't find that to be true, but then I did at one point spend about 3
weeks researching terminal I/O issues, as I was trying to write a .profile
that we could use for all of our non-Unix savvy users (all 8000 of them)
which would properly set the terminal type and a few options, as needed by
the ancient program they were all running, regardless of which of 4
different models of terminal a particular user was using.  That turned out
to be one of the hardest things I've ever done as a sysadmin, still to
this day.

PGP/GPG Public key at http://cerberus.ne.mediaone.net/~derek/pubkey.txt
Derek D. Martin      |  Unix/Linux Geek
derekm at mediaone.net  |  derek at cerberus.ne.mediaone.net

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