Code Tasting (was The Myth of Open Source Security)

Ron Peterson rpeterson at
Tue Jun 6 09:47:33 EDT 2000

ccb at wrote:

> I think it's time for a new kind of community event:
>                   "Code Tasting"
> This is an event where Mike Bilow comes and inspects your code in
> public ;-).

I like this idea.  Sure, you can find all kinds of code, but what's hard
to find are examples of the *process* people used to get there.  Or
critical peer review - e.g. "this is good code because ..., and this is
bad code because ..., or you should really do something completely
different, like ..."  Discussion forums let you get inside people's
heads in a way documentation or raw code cannot.

I don't know about others on this list, but I'm pretty much flying
solo.  I really don't know anyone outside of various discussion forums I
participate in who knows jack squat about linux, C, C++, Perl, SQL, PHP,
et al.  So yes, I'm in favor of any mechanism that helps me learn my way

Plus I imagine that a great many design decisions are really quite
personal, which could lead to some really fun flame wars.  Bring out the
good, the bad, and the ugly.  Let's rip each other's ideas to shreds...

I don't know how popular something like this might be.  Might it warrant
a new list - e.g. code_review at

Ron Peterson
rpeterson at
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