help samba
Derek Martin
derek at
Fri Jul 28 20:14:41 EDT 2000
Today, dean pinili gleaned this insight:
> hello to all
> I'm trying to configure a samba server and I'm
> running Red Hat 6.0 and i'm using the guide from
> From the linux box, I can see the
> win98 share but i cannot log in to the Linux box from
> win98. I just followed the guide and i don't know what
> I'm missing. I'd be glad to RTFM some more bu please
> help. Thank you..
As is often the case with new users, you haven't really given us enough
information to be useful to helping us help you... but don't despair!
Please take some time to give more details about exactly what you are
trying to do, and what you can not do, and we will be much better able to
help you with your problem. By providing as much detail as possible, you
will vastly increase your chances of getting good, useful help.
Derek D. Martin | Unix/Linux Geek
ddm at | derek at
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