Web caching

Ron Peterson rpeterson at wallacefloyd.com
Tue Jul 25 15:58:04 EDT 2000

"Mark J. Dulcey" wrote:
> I believe that Apache simply fetches the file from disk each time. Of
> course, the underlying operating system is likely to cache the file.

Oh.  That makes sense.  The OS would also know if the file were updated,
and therefor be able to keep the cache up to date, I assume.  You can
configure Apache as a proxy server, in which case there are cache
directives, but it didn't seem like they had anything to do w/ what I
was asking.  I've spent most of my life using that other OS, so I'm
still learning how *nix is all glued together.  Thanks for the help.


Ron Peterson
Systems Manager
Wallace Floyd Design Group
273 Summer Street
Boston, MA  02210
617.350.7400 tel
617.350.0051 fax
rpeterson at wallacefloyd.com
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