
Frank Ramsay fjr at marsdome.penguinpowered.com
Tue Jul 11 18:40:46 EDT 2000

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> <http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/>
> VNC is available as a server for windows and unix machines, and
> provides a number of viewers, including a java applet viewer.  Oh, and
> the source is available for download.

I am aware of VNC, but this is a very different type of product.  VNC is a sort
of universal "PC anywhere", WiredX.net is a XServer (like hummingbird) for your
web browser.  It doesn't sound like a big difference, but think about it this
way, with VNC you are limited to one user at a time (just like PC anyware) but
with wiredX.net you can have any number of simaltanius users.  This is because
it does not depend upon a desktop running on the server.  
I tested the WiredX.net today at work by logging into a solaris box and
launching CDE.  Everyone was shocked by how well it ran.  It's not perfect,
but it is pretty good.

Besides think about the stupid X tricks you can do with this...
X olwm running Netscape running an XServer running Gnome running netscape
running vnc displaying windows running IE running an xserver running kde....

As far as the source code goes I really don't care if the product is
opensource.  I care that a product does the job it's designed for and does it


Frank J. Ramsay
fjr at marsdome.penguinpowered.com

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