Looking for computer donations for a public h.s....
Jerry Feldman
Gerry.Feldman at compaq.com
Tue Jul 11 11:30:16 EDT 2000
With the price of new computers down into the under $500 range, she
might be much better off buying brand new ones. I would suggest that
she contact places like PC for Everyone in Cambridge, or maybe one of
the retailers like CompUSA, Microcenter, Best Buy. They might have
some left over new systems that they can't really sell. 286 systems are
too obsolete to run any of the current operating systems.
On 11 Jul 2000, at 11:15, Kevin M. Gleason wrote:
> I apologize for putting this request in this domain but I came across an
> old friend who teaches for a high school in a Boston Suburb that is
> currently using IBM 80286 computers. Does anyone know of an entity that
> handles refurbished computers for her classroom. The school (name left
> out intentionally) is Internet enabled but when she took over the
> Business Dept. last year, this was all they had. In the rotation, her
> dept. will be a few years before an update is within sight. They are
> running Windows 3.1 and DOS a lot. Needless to say, she can't even run
> Linux too well in that environment.
> Your help is appreciated!
> Kevin
> -
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Jerry Feldman
Contractor, eInfrastructure Partner Engineering
508-467-4315 http://www.testdrive.compaq.com/linux/
Compaq Computer Corp.
200 Forest Street MRO1-3/F1
Marlboro, Ma. 01752
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