A highly recommended book...

Christoph linuxguy at ici.net
Thu May 13 19:34:21 EDT 1999

We had some discussion on cryptography books a while ago, and I just thought
that if you have any interest in mathematics, read :

Fermat's Enigma by Simon Singh (ISBN#0-385-49362-2)

It's excellent historical reading about math in general, and mainly covers
the life of Andrew Wiles who recently produced the proof that asserted
Pierre de Fermat's "Last Theorem".  This was a PBS-NOVA special as well.

This book is excellent reading!

I have another thought... perhaps we can expand the BLU web-site with
a "Jobs" section and a "Garage-Sale" section.  Then once a month, the
current data could be mailed out to the discussion list like a flyer.  Perhaps
attach it to the meeting notifications...

Discuss amongst yourselves...

| christoph
| linuxguy at ici.net
| http://home.ici.net/~linuxguy

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