How do I find out if my ISP uses SLIP or PPP?

Bill Horne bhorne at
Wed Jun 30 20:50:06 EDT 1999

Here's a question that covers a lot of different areas all at once.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

My employer uses a "SecurID" authentication system for dial-in security.  In order

to use Lotus Notes under Win95, I've got a dial up connection that has the "bring

up terminal window after dialing" option checked.

When I dial the company modem, I get connected to an IBM 8235 secure server, which

prompts me for a user ID and password.  The password, however, is not fixed:  I

get it from a "SecurID" card, which supplies a number that changes every ten seconds.

So I have several questions:  how do I find out if this is PPP or SLIP?  Is there

a special protocol for these devices, or is it just an extension of PAP/CHAP?  Most

importantly, is anyone currently using Linux with one of these cars?


Bill Horne
(Remove ".nouce" from address to reply. Sorry.)

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