how to set up my home Linux server as a mail server?

Jerry Callen jcallen at
Tue Aug 31 20:53:02 EDT 1999

Rob Freeman wrote:
> Brian,
> Trying to install qpopper on Red Hat 6.0
> ./configure went successfully and built a Makefile file.  However:
> I type
> make
> and get
> bash: make: command not found
> I type ./make and get "no such file or directory."

It's possible that your path is messed up. Type this at your
shell prompt:

echo $PATH

You will get back a line that should look something like this:


This is a list of directories that the shell will search when
you type in a command. If you get back something more like:


then you have to set your path. This is usually done in your
.profile startup script, with something like this:

export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin

You can just type this at the shell, too.

If this isn't the problem, you need to find out if make is actually
installed anywhere. Usually it's in usr/bin/make. You can look for
it using the find command:

find / -name make -print

Hope this helps.

> I guess I am one of those sub-Linux people, already dependent on the Install 
> shield like convenience of rpms.

Hang in there. Linux is worth it.

-- Jerry Callen                      Mobile: 617-388-3990
   Narsil                            FAX:    617-876-5331
   63 Orchard Street                 email:  jcallen at
   Cambridge, MA 02140-1328

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