how to set up my home Linux server as a mail server?

Brian Conway dogbert at
Mon Aug 30 21:12:56 EDT 1999

To answer a portion of that, and perhaps clear up some confusion, the
sendmail and pop services are seperate and run independently.  Sendmail is
normally started from /etc/rc.d/rc* while the pop daemon starts up in inetd.
>From my personal experience, I'd recommend the mail daemon of your choice (I
know not everyone LOVES sendmail), and for a pop3 server I would suggest the
freeware pop server from called qpopper (version 3.0 beta may
not be happy compiling everywhere, but 2.53 is a sure bet).  It's a rather
simple compile and I've never run into problems with the 2.53 version.
Works beautifically too. =)  There may be some software that performs both
mail and pop services in the same package, but I haven't dealt with any that
I might recommend.  I've been less than pleased with most of the pop
packages that are default-installed with various distros, so I figured I'd
throw out my $0.02 on the things coming out of qualcomm's section of the

Brian Conway
dogbert at

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