Good anti-virus programs for Linux

Michael O'Donnell mod at
Fri Aug 27 18:40:40 EDT 1999

As soon as somebody makes a suitable VPL (Virus Propagation
Language) available for Linux, viruses and worms will abound.
NT was designed (and largely implemented) to be an OS for
grownups just like most *nix variants, but NT boxes are infested
with viruses and worms because VPLs are common in that world.

What are examples of such VPLs?  Well, the M$word/Excel macro
facilities and certain ActiveX controls are good representatives.
Another example is the breathtakingly stupid "blindly-decode-
and-cluelessly-or-accidentally-click-on" misfeature of many
email softwares popular on M$ boxes.  That's the mechanism
exploited by Melissa and the like.  VPLs simply go around the
OS and its protections in the name of "convenience".  Yeesh!

It's probably only a matter of time before such features find
their way into software packages running on Linux boxes - the
price of popularity.

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