How to set up multi-boot system?
rir at
rir at
Fri Aug 27 17:02:37 EDT 1999
To follow up on what PQ's Partition Magic does.
It changes the active partition and changes the type of
partitions per which system is booted. Below are defaults,
it gives you a menu where you are allowed to tell it
which partitions should be visible from which OS.
I got:
' Part.
' |
' | Boot-> Win98 Linux mSOS6.22
' 1 Non-dos 16 - Hidden FAT C: Active FAT16
' 2 C: Active FAT32 1B - Unknown Non-dos
' 3 Non-dos 82 - Linux Swap Non-dos
' 4 Non-dos 83 - Active Linux Non-dos
rir at
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