Bug in cpio?

Derek Martin dmartin at LanCity.COM
Mon Aug 23 11:04:42 EDT 1999

On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 rir at mediaone.net wrote:

> get the following error when using at.
> > cpio: /dev/tty: Device not configured

/dev/tty is the "generic" name of the tty device that an interactive user
is using (called the control terminal).  Since you are running the command
from at, which disassociates the control terminal, /dev/tty is not valid
for that process.  

As far as what cpio is trying to write to your terminal, I have no idea.
But it is trying to open the control terminal and (probably) write
something to it. 

One possibility is that you forgot to send your cpio output wherever it
was supposed to go, and it's being sent to stdout...

Derek D. Martin   |  UNIX System Administrator
derek at netria.com  |  dmartin at lancity.com

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