Building new computer. Thoughts?

Daniel Rinehart danielr at
Sat Aug 21 11:45:18 EDT 1999

> Dual booting NT takes a little bit of work, but nothing extraordinary.  I
> haven't dealt with it in a while, but the general principle is to put a
> linux option in the NT loader, which then jumps to lilo, and then jumps of
> course, to your kernel.  There is a how-to on it that shouldn't be too
> tough to follow.

	There is actually a small little Windows NT utility that makes this a snap
to do. It's called BootPart and is available at: . It's "card ware" so the price is
right. I recently used it to boot Windows NT 4.0 (hda1), Linux (hda2), and
BeOS (hda7) without any problems.

- Daniel R. <danielr at> []
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