Distribution for next Installfest

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Wed Aug 11 07:37:11 EDT 1999

IMHO, Debian is the best distribution if you know what you are doing. I 
think that SuSE is also excellent. The only reason for not using Debian at 
the installfests is the people that come to the installfests need something 
they can use later, and I found that as good as Debian is, it is much less 
user friendly, especially for beginners. Installation is also slower, at least 
until they get their new package manager out (I have not checked).

On 10 Aug 99, at 20:16, James R. Van Zandt <jrv at vanzandt.mv.com> wrote:

> I can't resist asking whether you've compared the SuSE offerings with the
> 1700 or so Debian packages :-)

|  Gerald Feldman	<gaf at blu.org>                  |
|  Boston Computer Solutions and Consulting            |
|  ICQ#156300                                          |           |
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