unrecognized video card

Rob Freeman rfreez at gte.net
Thu Aug 5 15:55:30 EDT 1999

I just got a high performance computer with a SIS 620 AGP video card and
am trying to run Red Hat 6.0 X Windows.  The video card is not listed,
though other SIS video cards are, and it says not to choose what you
think might be "close" to it.  So I choose unlisted video cards, set X
Windows for the correct monitor settings (monitor worked fine with X
Windows on a Dell 486)  I think I eliminated hardware defects by
installing Windows 98 and getting a pretty GUI no problem with this very
system after failing to bring up X Windows.

When I start X Windows, I get the blue screen, then the blue screen
becomes a small rectangle on the side and I get gray on the rest.  In
short, not seeing my video card.  I have to power down to get out of
this.  I use the most conservative settings for video -- VGA16 640-480
and the correct vertical and horizontal sync for the monitor.  I even
tried monochrome X server. Like I said, I got X Windows running with
this monitor on a 486 and this setup working with Windoze, so I think
I've narrowed it down to getting Linux to recognize this SIS 620 AGP
video card.  I choose 8 meg of video RAM when it asks, and I know for a
fact that it has this much video RAM.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Rob Freeman

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