Help with ftp & telnet

Mike Bilow mikebw at
Sat Apr 3 16:27:00 EST 1999

Bill Horne wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:

 BH> * FTP daemon appears to be a Beta release (Cheapbytes RH 5.2
 BH> CD).  Is this current?

I'm not a Red Hat expert, but wu-ftpd just emerged from being "always beta." 
If he wants a more stable and secure (especially secure!) variant, I recommend:

The latest, as of 30 Mar 1999, is:

 BH> * The hosts file requires some "one time" entries in order
 BH> to Telnet, but then ignores them.

I don't understand this.  More likely, he has name service misconfigured.  Is
he running named locally?  Is his /etc/resolv.conf file correct?
-- Mike

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