Generic Win95/98 bashing (was Re: Linux installation...)
Rich Braun
richb at
Sat Jun 27 17:35:49 EDT 1998
Quoting the Globe, root at localdomain wrote:
> "The notion that an operating
> system is distinguishable from an Internet browser and other software
> is simply idiotic."
> After deciding to get serious about
> upgrading this linux system (which idiotically seems to still have
> several browsers that aren't part of the kernel)
I remember decades ago when I started using an operating system
disguised as a text editor... It's called Emacs. Not sure why anyone
would try to distinguish the two.
Oh silly me. Microsoft products aren't all that different from my first 386
text-editing environment. Its 4 megs contained about 3 megs of Emacs plus a
meg or so of Unix. My latter-day peecee's 64 megs contain about 50 megs
of MS Office plus 10 megs or so of Win95. (Which no doubt is further
broken down into 8 megs of browser plus 2 megs of O/S.)
Wonder why it takes a P333 with 64 megs to browse the net, when I can type
email like this and get better response on the Linux P133 with 16 megs sitting
next to it?
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