Media-One Express, IP Masquerading

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Wed Feb 11 07:03:44 EST 1998

On 10 Feb 98 at 23:32, Rich Braun <richb at> wrote:

> I have a friend whose access was shut off by M1X because of a security
> problem.  He had a system (I forget which O/S, I think it was actually
> a Microsoft box) which ran a piece of software with a security hole in it.
> A hacker used it to hide source addresses and wreak havoc in such a way
> that M1X tech support got dragged into it.  My friend hadn't logged the
> activity, so he got blamed for the hackery and had no way to prove it
> wasn't him.  Finally after a couple of days he persuaded M1X to turn his
> service back on.
Here is his web page. He had been unaware that these proxy servers 
could be used. He actually caused Medione to be k-lined from one of the 
IRC nets (Undernet I think).

Gerald Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Computer Solutions and Consulting

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