LOCAL - Boston, MA - BCS Linux/Unix User Group Meeting - 07/17/96

Guy W Bzibziak guybz at world.std.com
Mon Jul 15 19:14:14 EDT 1996

Meeting Topic: "GNU Hurd: The Latest"

Presented by: Mike Bushnell [mib at gnu.ai.mit.edu]

Who:    Boston Computer Society Linux/Unix User's Group
Date:   17 July 1996, Wednesday
Time:   7:00 pm.
Place:  MIT, Room 6-120

The Hurd is the high-level operating system for GNU.  It is currently
under development by Michael Bushnell, Roland McGrath and Miles Bader.
It is almost, but not quite, at the point where you can do real work
on it.

GNU was designed as a replacement for Unix, so the Hurd is
multi-tasking and multi-user, POSIX-compliant, and will have
networking and X-windows and all that good stuff.

Hurd is an acronym for ``Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons''.  Hird, in
turn, is an acronym for ``Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth''.

The Hurd homepage is at:
Linux is a UNIX-like operating system built around POSIX standards.  From
its inception less than six years ago, it was developed over the Internet
by a group of people who (for the most part) have never seen each other,
and now runs on an (estimated) 1,000,000 computer systems.  The operating
system (and the source code for it) is free to anyone who wants it.  This
is probably the largest development project ever accomplished using the

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	or call the BCS Waltham Office at (617)290-5700.

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